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SIS40215 Certificate IV In Fitness


Enrol in SIS40215 Certificate IV In Fitness now for $1399

Course Description

The nationally recognised SIS40215 Certificate IV In Fitness is designed for those who have a passion for health and fitness and want to accelerate their career in the fitness industry or further their knowledge through study. This qualification reflects the role of personal trainers who have the specialist skills required to train individuals or groups of clients to improve health-related components of fitness in relatively low risk situations. This may include training of older clients and children.

Total Units

20 Units

Nationally Recognised

Get qualified Australia-wide


12 Months

Study Mode

100% Online Study

Career Outcomes:

  • Personal Trainer as part of a Gym, Fitness Facility, Leisure Centre, Franchised Business.
  • Personal Trainer in your own Gym Based or Outdoor Fitness business.
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