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SIT20316 Certificate II In Hospitality

SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality

Enrol in SIT20316 Certificate II In Hospitality now for $799

Course Description

ACOHR’s SIT20316 Certificate II In Hospitality is offered online and provides basic skills and knowledge for students to work as operational staff in hospitality establishments. Students use a defined and limited range of hospitality operational skills. They are involved in mainly routine and repetitive tasks using practical skills and basic industry knowledge. This qualification provides pathways to work in various hospitality settings such as restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, cafes and coffee shops.

Total Units

12 Units

Nationally Recognised

Get qualified Australia-wide


9 Months

Study Mode

100% Online Study

Career Outcomes:

  • bar attendant
  • café attendant
  • catering assistant
  • food and beverage attendant
  • front office assistant
  • porter
  • room attendant.

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